Mental Health Benefits BJJ

Mental Health Benefits of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Modern living has led to chronic stress and struggles with mental health. In fact, mental health issues like stress, depression, and anxiety disorders affect 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. Now for the good news: There are many great ways to improve mental health, including through Brazilian jiu-jitsu. (BJJ)

BJJ has been studied for its mental health benefits. A recent study by the Association of Military Surgeons found that a regular BJJ practice may have value to reduce the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) for U.S. service members and veterans. Studies like this continue to analyze the level of benefit to practicing jiu-jitsu.

For students of the art, there is absolutely no doubt about its immense mental benefits.

Jiu-Jitsu for Stress Management

Brazilian jiu-jitsu is a great avenue for learning to relieve anxiety and stress in everyday living. How? Students learn techniques that promote calm in tense situations on the mat, which translates to how they handle tense situations in life.

For example, you may find yourself flat on your back as your training partner straddles your torso and puts their weight directly on you (a position called mount). If you feel stressed and panicked while in this position, you will likely make bad defensive decisions that reduce your chances of escaping. You will quickly learn that, above all else, remaining calm is the only way you have a chance of escaping mount. BJJ teaches you how to maintain composure, continue breathing normally and make smart decisions toward a potential escape.

Now shift that approach to a real-world problem. You learn that your department is subject to a layoff and your position might be terminated. The untrained mind may panic and feel an immense amount of stress, wondering what to do next. The trained mind—that of a jiu-jitsu student—has been conditioned to remain calm in a tense situation, which allows you to consider potential solutions with a clear head.

Modern life brings a nearly constant stream of potential stresses. But it doesn’t have to. Applying the stress-relieving principles you gain in BJJ does not solve life’s problems for you, but it equips you with the tools to better solve them without unnecessary stress.

Jiu-Jitsu for Improved Mindset & Mood

Becoming more active, and specifically learning a martial art like BJJ, can have immense benefits on mood. In addition to discovering better self-esteem and confidence, students receive the added benefit of brain health through a flood of endorphins.

Endorphins are your brain’s feel-good chemicals that have been shown to diminish the perception of pain and act as an anti-depressant, which creates that feeling of pleasure and positivity. I like to think of endorphins as your brain’s reward to you for moving your body, and martial arts are linked to endorphin production, according to WebMD: “Practicing martial arts also offers a nice boost of ‘feel-good’ chemicals like endorphins that lift your mood.”

The best part is you don’t have to be an elite athlete to reap these rewards! Continue to attend jiu-jitsu classes consistently and you can access a regular supply of these positive mood boosters.

Jiu-Jitsu for Focus

We can all agree we live in a perpetually distracted world. Rarely will you find a place these days in which you can allow your brain to focus solely on one task.

The arts provide an unparalleled opportunity to learn and achieve focus. When a novelist is in the throes of storytelling, when a pianist composes a new tune, when a dancer takes the stage, nothing else matters. They are all driven to be 100% focused on what they are doing.

Like these other arts, martial arts like Brazilian jiu-jitsu calls for the same type of focus, and students enter a similar mindset on the mat.

You might be saying, “But I am attached to my phone and have the attention span of a goldfish.” Then you are in the right place! The Gracie Barra curriculum is perfect for new students who are working to build the mental discipline required for focus. Professors break techniques down into steps, allowing you to focus on one element at a time and then put it all together while working with a partner. This methodology is beneficial for kids and adults alike,  it keeps you engaged and focused. Before you know it, class is over.

Continued practice will help you with focus off the mat as well. As a working parent with teenagers, my life has no shortage of distractions. But when I step onto the mat, everything else hits pause for a while and my focus is there. This practice has helped me maintain focus in other parts of my life as well.

Try a free jiu-jitsu class at Gracie Barra Jacksonville and experience mental health benefits starting today! Check out our classes for adults and kids starting from age 4 and up. Click here to schedule a trial class for you, your child, or your entire family!

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